Corruption Index by Country in 2021:A Comprehensive Analysis of Corruption in 21 Countries


Corruption is a global issue that affects nearly every country in the world. It not only erodes trust in government and institutions but also stifles economic growth and development. In 2021, several organizations and organizations have released corruption indexes to provide an overview of the state of corruption in various countries. This article will provide a comprehensive analysis of the corruption indexes released in 2021, focusing on the top 21 countries based on their rankings.

Corruption Indexes in 2021

1. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)

Transparency International's CPI is perhaps the most well-known and widely cited corruption perception index. It measures the perceived level of corruption in a country based on surveys conducted with experts and businesspeople. In 2021, Norway, Finland, and Sweden were the countries with the lowest corruption levels, while South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Syria had the highest corruption levels.

2. Business Anti-Corruption Portal's (BACP) Corruption Risk Rating

The BACP's Corruption Risk Rating takes into account various factors, including the extent of bribery, political risk, and regulatory compliance. In 2021, the countries with the lowest corruption risk were New Zealand, Finland, and Norway, while the highest corruption risk was in North Korea, Somalia, and South Sudan.

3. Global Integrity's Global Integrity Report

The Global Integrity Report measures the extent of transparency and accountability in government institutions. In 2021, the countries with the highest levels of transparency and accountability were Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, while the lowest levels were in North Korea, Somalia, and South Sudan.

4. Risk Management Association's (RMA) Corruption and Fraud Risk Assessment

The RMA's Corruption and Fraud Risk Assessment takes into account factors such as legal and regulatory frameworks, ethical culture, and internal control systems. In 2021, the countries with the lowest corruption and fraud risk were Singapore, New Zealand, and Finland, while the highest risk was in North Korea, Somalia, and South Sudan.

The corruption indexes released in 2021 provide a snapshot of the state of corruption in various countries. However, it is important to note that these indexes are only one aspect of the complex problem of corruption. To effectively combat corruption, countries must address the root causes and implement comprehensive anti-corruption strategies that include legal and regulatory frameworks, ethical culture, and internal control systems. International organizations and governments must also work together to create and enforce international standards for transparency and accountability to create a more corrupt-free world.

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